
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

MySQL Function Reference

resource mysql_connect ([ string $server [, string $username [, string $password [,
bool $new_link [, int $client_flags ]]]]] )
The MySQL server. It can also include a port number. e.g. "hostname:port" or a path to a local socket e.g. ":/path/to/socket" for the localhost.
The username.
The password.
If a second call is made to mysql_connect() with the same arguments, no new link will be established, but instead, the link identifier of the already opened link will be returned. The new_link parameter modifies this behavior and makes mysql_connect() always open a new link, even if mysql_connect() was called before with the same parameters.
The client_flags parameter can be a combination of the following constants: 128 (enable LOAD DATA LOCAL handling), MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL, MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS, MYSQL_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE or MYSQL_CLIENT_INTERACTIVE.
Return Value.
Returns a MySQL link identifier on success, or FALSE on failure.

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