
Monday, September 8, 2008

PHP Contents (Continued)

Comments in PHP.
–// Comment text
–/* Multi-line comment text */
–# Comment text

Operators in PHP.
•Arithmetic Operators.
–+ (Addition), - (Subtraction), * (Multiplication), / (Division), % (Modulus)
•Relational Operators.
–== (Equal), === (Equal with type comparison),
–!= (Not equal), <> (Not equal), !== (Not Equal with type comparison),
–< (Less than), > (Greater than), <= (Less than or equal to), >= (Greater than or equal to)
•Logical Operators.
–! (logical NOT), && (logical AND), (logical OR), xor (logical XOR)
•Assignment Operators.
–= (Assign), += (Addition), -= (Subtraction), *= (Multiplication), /= (Division),
–.=(Concatenation), %= (Modulus), &= (And), = (Or),
–^= (Exclusive Or), <<= (Left Shift), >>=(Right Shift)
•Concatenation Operator.
–. (dot)

Predefined Super Globals.
•$GLOBALS (Access all global variables in script)
•$_SERVER (Access web server variables)
•$_GET (Values passed to script through URL)
•$_POST (Values passed to script through HTTP Post)
•$_COOKIE (Values passed by user cookie)
•$_FILES (Values passed by HTTP Post File Uploads)
•$_ENV (Values passed to script via the environment)
•$_REQUEST (Values passed by URL, HTTP Post, or user Cookies)
•$_SESSION (Values passed through user's session)

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